California’s Labor Victories Could Be Contagious

Economy / October 20, 2023 California’s Labor Victories Could Be Contagious After Kaiser Permanente agreed to a minimum wage of $25 for its employees in the state, will the rest of the country follow? Sasha Abramsky Ad Policy Striking Kaiser Permanente workers hold signs as they march in front of the Kaiser Permanente San Francisco…

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This Week GAZA 2 Never again for anyone. Ad Policy Keep Reading More from The Nation Jim Jordan Bites the Dust Jim Jordan Bites the Dust Two weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as speaker of the House, the Ohio representative has failed twice to win enough votes to secure the position. Chris Lehmann The Republican…

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“We Are the Voices of Gazan Citizens Right Now”

Activism / StudentNation / October 20, 2023 “We Are the Voices of Gazan Citizens Right Now” Hundreds of Palestinian Americans and supporters from Cincinnati, Ohio, gathered in Ziegler Park. “My city no longer exists. My village is no longer there.” Zurie Pope Ad Policy Pro-Palestine protesters marching on East Central Parkway in downtown Cincinnati on…

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Argentina’s Son-of-Sam Presidential Election

World / October 20, 2023 Argentina’s Son-of-Sam Presidential Election The front-runner in next week’s election wants to create a free-market dystopia where even human organs are for sale. Oh—and he believes he can communicate with his dead dog. Jacob Sugarman Ad Policy Lawmaker and presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza Javier Milei speaks during a…

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Jim Jordan Bites the Dust

Politics / October 19, 2023 Another One Bites the Dust Jim Jordan Bites the Dust Two weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s ouster as speaker of the House, the Ohio representative has failed twice to win enough votes to secure the position. Chris Lehmann Ad Policy Representative Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) arrives at his office in the Rayburn…

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The Jewish Justice Movement Is Being Reborn

Activism / October 19, 2023 The Jewish Justice Movement Is Being Reborn At the Jewish Voice for Peace rally, thousands of protesters made clear that they will no longer allow the suffering of the Jewish people to be weaponized against others. Dave Zirin Ad Policy Jewish Voice for Peace demonstrators demand a cease-fire in the…

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Columbia University’s Double Standard for Palestinian Protests 

Activism / StudentNation / October 19, 2023 Columbia University’s Double Standard for Palestinian Protests  The rally by Students for Justice in Palestine faced organized counterprotesters, increased police presence, and limitations to access and assembly. Ava Young-Stoner Ad Policy Columbia students participate in a rally in support of Palestine at the university on October 12, 2023,…

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