How Leonard Leo Weaponized the Courts Against Democracy

Society / October 13, 2023 How Leonard Leo Weaponized the Courts Against Democracy The Federalist Society uses billionaire funds and right-wing ideology to remake the law. Jeet Heer Ad Policy Leonard Leo, the executive vice president of the Federalist Society, speaks at the 2017 National Lawyers Convention in Washington, D.C., on November 16, 2017. (Sait…

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Silence Is Complicity

Judy Polstra Let’s speak out against white supremacy, human trafficking, bigotry, sexual abuse, gun violence, oppression, mass shootings, domestic violence… The post Silence Is Complicity appeared first on The Nation.

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The Haunting of the Publishing House

Books & the Arts / October 13, 2023 The Haunting of the Publishing House The racism and prejudice of the industry has been the subject of recent novels. In R.F. Kuang’s Yellowface, that plot becomes a horror story. Laura B. McGrath Ad Policy The London offices of Penguin Random House. (Photo by Philip Toscano /…

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Too Many Economists Thought This Was Impossible

The Score / October 13, 2023 Too Many Economists Thought This Was Impossible The increase in the number of people working has helped tamp down inflation and has shown the importance of aiming for full employment. Mike Konczal Ad Policy (Infographic: Tracy Matsue Loeffelholz) This article appears in the October 30/November 6, 2023 issue, with…

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The Limits of Historical Analogy

World / October 13, 2023 The Limits of Historical Analogy The rush to call last week’s attack “Israel’s 9/11” brings the worst failings of American foreign policy to the surface. Chris Lehmann Ad Policy George W. Bush at the Israeli Presidential Conference in 2008, at the Jerusalem International Convention Center. (Haraz N. Ghanbari / AP…

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