Can the European Union Be Salvaged?

Books & the Arts / November 28, 2023 A Future Called Europe Can the European Union be salvaged? Can the European Union Be Salvaged? New books by Timothy Garton Ash and Loukas Tsoukalis document the moral and political exhaustion of the “EU” generation. Mark Mazower Ad Policy Berlin, December 22, 1989. (Bernard Bisso / Getty)…

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Revolution? Hell Yes!  Remembering Amber Hollibaugh

Activism / November 28, 2023 Revolution? Hell Yes!  Remembering Amber Hollibaugh The writer, who died last month, spent a lifetime breaking silences around sex. JoAnn Wypijewski Ad Policy Sexual desire had no better advocate than Amber Hollibaugh. If that sentence lands strangely now, it is because Amber, a self-described “lesbian sex radical Marxist ex-hooker incest…

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