Renaissance nude offends French school students

1 hour ago About sharing The painting by Giuseppe Cesari was put before pupils in the first year of high school By Ido Vock BBC News French Education Minister Gabriel Attal has visited a school where pupils refused to look at a 17th-Century painting portraying nude women. Several first-year high school students said they were…

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Bayard Rustin Was No Hollywood Figurehead

Class Notes / December 12, 2023 Bayard Rustin Was No Hollywood Figurehead The new biopic about the socialist organizer stops at the March on Washington. What is it leaving out? Adolph Reed Jr. Ad Policy Bayard Rustin at the Citywide Committee for Integration headquarters at Silcam Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, New York City. (Patrick A. Burns…

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The Death of Henry Kissinger

Deadline Poet / December 12, 2023 The Death of Henry Kissinger Calvin Trillin Ad Policy Secretary of State Henry Kissinger make a statement in the State Department briefing room after receiving the Nobel Peace prize. (Wally McNamee / Corbis / Getty Images) This article appears in the December 25, 2023/January 1, 2024 issue. When somebody…

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