Why Netanyahu Bolstered Hamas

World / December 11, 2023 Why Netanyahu Bolstered Hamas The Israeli prime minister followed a decades-old divide-and-rule strategy that fuels endless war. Jeet Heer Ad Policy Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu attends the funeral for Sgt. Maj. Gal Meir Eisenkot at the Herzliya cemetery on December 8, 2023. (Alexi J. Rosenfeld / Getty Images) Wars…

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The Media Monopoly Crisis

December 11, 2023 The Media Monopoly Crisis Our new special issue takes on the out-of-control consolidation that is squeezing out independent voices and controlling what we read. Ad Policy Our overlords. (Shutterstock) This article appears in the December 25, 2023/January 1, 2024 issue, with the headline “Squeeze Play.” In 1960, when The New Yorker’s press…

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The Big Unfriendly Tech Giants

Feature / December 11, 2023 The Big Unfriendly Tech Giants We must ensure that corporations aren’t able to pick and choose winners and losers in journalism. Zephyr Teachout (Library of Congress) This article appears in the December 25, 2023/January 1, 2024 issue, with the headline “The Big Unfriendly Tech Giants.” A tiny group of tech…

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