Tory mayor says he would return money from donor accused of racist remarks

As we mentioned earlier, postal affairs minister Kevin Hollinrake said this morning that the Conservatives have no plans to return the money donated by Frank Hester.

Speaking to the Today programme, Hollinrake was asked about Andy Street saying he would have returned the money.

“Andy is entitled to his own opinion of course… that’s Andy’s opinion,” Hollinrake said.

“The judgment here, in my view, should be – did Mr Hester apologise for what he said? The comments are clearly wrong. He apologised for them. I think that’s how we should judge Mr Hester’s character.”

Asked whether he the party should accept any more donations from Hester, Holinrake said it was a decision for someone else.

“I don’t look after the donations in this party and that will be a decision for others to decide whether Mr Hester is the right person based on what’s happened in recent days,” he says.

Earlier, during an interview with BBC Breakfast, Hollinrake had said the party would accept another £10m from Hester.