UK to accuse China of major hack as Beijing warns against ‘smears’

As we’ve been reporting, the MPs thought to be victims of cyber-attacks are members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China which scrutinises, and often criticises, the activities of Beijing.

Its executive director, Luke De Pulford, says he wants to see “targeted sanctions on those responsible”.

“But we also need support for members of Parliament and those who are targeted by Beijing. This is pretty serious stuff,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

“Even last week, MPs and peers who were sanctioned by Beijing back in 2021 requested a meeting with the prime minister to talk about the lack of support they have received.

“These kind of attacks have been going on for a very long time.

Quote Message: The most interesting thing, I think, is it has taken at least two years to call it out. This happened in 2021 which indicates the government was a little bit reluctant to say China had actually done this.”

The most interesting thing, I think, is it has taken at least two years to call it out. This happened in 2021 which indicates the government was a little bit reluctant to say China had actually done this.”