Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf considers quitting

Humza Yousaf has reportedly ruled out cutting a deal with Alba, a pro-independence party formed by former First Minister Alex Salmond after he broke from the SNP.

The party only has one MSP, Ash Regan, but that single vote would give the SNP a tie in any confidence vote and save the first minister – assuming all members of his own party backed him.

Yesterday we reported Salmond had set out his terms for any such deal with the SNP.

He said it would rely on a renewed push for Scottish independence, and a shift from “identity politics” to the “people’s priorities”.

Salmond would also want the SNP to support his plan for a referendum on whether the Scottish Parliament should have the legal right to hold a new vote on independence, something which only Westminster can approve now.

It seems unlikely Yousaf is going to take him up on that offer.