Swinney urges voters ‘to put Scotland’s interests first’ as he launches SNP campaign

Swinney to urge voters ‘to put Scotland’s interests first’ Just nowPA Media John Swinney will urge people to “vote SNP to put Scotland’s interests first” as he formally launches the party’s general election campaign. Mr Swinney will tell activists and candidates at a rally in Glasgow later that Westminster decision-making has meant “austerity, Brexit and…

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New blood test ‘can predict’ breast cancer return

New blood test ‘can predict’ breast cancer return 49 minutes agoHarrison Jones,BBC News Institute of Cancer ResearchLead researcher Dr Isaac Garcia-Murillas believes the test lays the groundwork for better monitoring and treatment An “ultra-sensitive” new blood test can predict if breast cancer will return years before the disease shows up on scans, researchers say. It…

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Zelensky accuses Russia and China of undermining summit

Zelensky accuses Russia and China of undermining summit 32 minutes agoTessa Wong ,BBC News, SingaporeGetty ImagesMr Zelensky said China was ‘working for countries to not come to the peace summit’ Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia and China of attempting to undermine his upcoming global peace summit in Switzerland. He said Russia was trying…

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