PM under pressure to respond to row over Lee Anderson ‘Islamist’ comments

On Friday, former Tory deputy chairman Lee Anderson told GB News
that “Islamists” had “got control” of the mayor of London,
Sadiq Khan.

On Saturday, Anderson was suspended from the Conservative party
after “refusing to apologise” for those comments.

Khan responded, describing Anderson’s remarks as,
“Islamophobic, anti-Muslim and racist”.

The London mayor added he was “unclear why Rishi Sunak and
members of his Cabinet” were not calling out the remarks or condemning the

Posting his reaction to losing the whip on social media
Anderson said: “Following a call with the chief whip, I understand the
difficult position that I have put both he and the prime minister in with
regard to my comments.

The Muslim Council of Britain said it welcomed Anderson’s
suspension and added, “The Conservative Party has an Islamophobia problem.
They need to own up to it.”