Søren Kierkegaard Dared to Ask

Books & the Arts / November 29, 2023 A Cursed Blessing Søren Kierkegaard’s theory of despair. Søren Kierkegaard Dared to Ask In The Sickness unto Death, the Danish philosopher posed a difficult question: Is despair an essential feature of human life? Clare Carlisle Ad Policy Melancholy, Edvard Munch, 1895. This article appears in the December…

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Ban the 24-Hour Workday!

Economy / November 29, 2023 Ban the 24-Hour Workday! In some states—New York is one of them—it is still legal to hire someone for a 24-hour shift, but to only pay them for a fraction of those hours. Dawn Kikel Ad Policy Home care workers, seniors, and people with disabilities holding a rally at the…

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“Russian Fate: A Memoir I’ll Never Write”

Politics / November 29, 2023 Russian Fate: A Memoir I’ll Never Write “Russian Fate: A Memoir I’ll Never Write” From the archives and files of Stephen F. Cohen. Katrina vanden Heuvel Ad Policy Russian Fate cover illustration, fragment from the painting Eternal Russia by Ilya Glazunov. (Sergey Scherbina) Dear Gena and Friends, I wish I…

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Congressman Jim Banks’s Pressure on Indiana University to Police Antisemitism Is Duplicitous and Dangerous

Society / November 29, 2023 Congressman Jim Banks’s Pressure on Indiana University to Police Antisemitism Is Duplicitous and Dangerous Campus debates about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be challenging, fractious—and sometimes triggering. But they are debates, not acts of bigotry. Jeffrey C. Isaac Ad Policy Representative Jim Banks (R-Ind.) leaves the US Capitol on May 18,…

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