Regulator sorry for past disciplining of gay doctors

40 minutes ago About sharing By Michelle Roberts Digital health editor The UK’s medical regulator says it is “truly sorry” for its past homophobia and taking disciplinary action that ended some gay doctors’ careers. The General Medical Council admits it added to the harm some male medics faced when convicted of having sex with men….

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Police force ‘failed’ women who were killed

31 minutes ago About sharing Yasmin Javed’s daughter Fawziyah was murdered by her husband, despite reporting him to West Yorkshire Police By Yasminara Khan, Adam Bowen & Hollie Cole BBC News West Yorkshire Police has been accused of failing murder and manslaughter victims who had previously sought its help, BBC Newsnight has found. The force…

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Whale song mystery solved by scientists

1 hour ago About sharing Humpback whale breaching near Bering Island, Kamchatka, Russia By Helen Briggs and Victoria Gill Science correspondents, BBC News Scientists have worked out how some of the largest whales in the ocean produce their haunting and complex songs. Humpbacks and other baleen whales have evolved a specialised “voice box” that enables…

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