Displaced by a War, There’s No Way Back Home

10 years after the Dayton agreement that officially ended the conflict, Hazira’s brother Merfin stepped on a landmine near a refugee camp and died. Hazira later framed his obituary photograph in a broken frame and tapped over it with the only tape she had: an orange safety tape with German printed on top of it. The warning, among others,…

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The Invisible Victims of Anti-Black Policing

The Front Burner / December 13, 2023 The Invisible Victims of Anti-Black Policing Racist policing is also deadly for Black women and girls—a reality that is far too often ignored or dismissed. Kali Holloway Ad Policy (Amanda Andrade-Rhoades / AP Photo) This article appears in the December 25, 2023/January 1, 2024 issue, with the headline…

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