Republican Border Theatrics Go Into Overdrive

Politics / November 30, 2023 Republican Border Theatrics Go Into Overdrive Senate negotiations over immigration policy have become a proxy for warmongering foreign policy rhetoric. Chris Lehmann Ad Policy From left, Senators James Lankford (R-Okla.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) hold a news conference in the Capitol on the Succeed Act, which would…

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Mike Johnson’s “18th-Century Values”

Column / November 30, 2023 Mike Johnson’s “18th-Century Values” The new speaker of the House says he’s a history buff. But has he learned from it, or is he condemned to repeat it? Katha Pollitt Ad Policy This article appears in the December 11/18, 2023 issue, with the headline “A Man From the Past” Rep….

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