Revolution? Hell Yes!  Remembering Amber Hollibaugh

Activism / November 28, 2023 Revolution? Hell Yes!  Remembering Amber Hollibaugh The writer, who died last month, spent a lifetime breaking silences around sex. JoAnn Wypijewski Ad Policy Sexual desire had no better advocate than Amber Hollibaugh. If that sentence lands strangely now, it is because Amber, a self-described “lesbian sex radical Marxist ex-hooker incest…

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Teachers use AI for planning and marking, says report

1 hour ago About sharing Ben Merritt, head of modern foreign languages at a Sheffield school, used artificial intelligence to help with preparing content for a lesson By Hazel Shearing Education correspondent Teachers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to save time by “automating tasks”, says a government report first seen by the BBC. Adapting the…

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