How Everything Became Data

Books & the Arts / October 16, 2023 Ones and Zeros The rise and rise and rise of data. How Everything Became Data Starting with the birth of statistics in the 19th century and concluding with algorithms and AI systems, a new book examines how humans became studied as a set of ones and zeroes….

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Affirmative Action for Men?

Subject to Debate / October 14, 2023 Affirmative Action for Men? College admissions policies claiming to maintain a gender balance are giving male applicants yet another advantage. Katha Pollitt Ad Policy (Getty) This article appears in the October 30/November 6, 2023 issue, with the headline “A Thumb on the Scale.” Consider the many difficulties girls…

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Post Title

This Week / October 13, 2023 Lost in a fog. Steve Brodner Ad Policy Keep Reading Steve Brodner Steve Brodner is an award-winning graphic artist/journalist. More from The Nation Neither Palestinians nor Israelis Will Be Safe Unless All Are Safe Neither Palestinians nor Israelis Will Be Safe Unless All Are Safe The way out of…

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The House GOP Is Irretrievably Broken

Politics / October 13, 2023 The House GOP Is Irretrievably Broken It couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people. The problem is that their dysfunction could break the country, too. Joan Walsh Ad Policy House majority leader Steve Scalise (R-La.) announces that he is pulling out of the race to become speaker following…

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