Aging in America Shouldn’t Be This Hard

October 12, 2023 Aging in America Shouldn’t Be This Hard Why should capital take any interest in people who are no longer a source of profit? Rebecca Gordon Ad Policy (John Stillwell / PA Wire) This article originally appeared at To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the…

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Things In Palestine May Never Be the Same Again

World / October 12, 2023 Things In Palestine May Never Be the Same Again The conflict has shattered many myths about Israel’s invincibility—and shown once more that the only lasting solution is true equality for all. Saree Makdisi Ad Policy Demonstrators gather to show their solidarity with Palestine on October 11, 2023, in Vienna, Austria….

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When There’s No One to Attend to the Dead

October 12, 2023 When There’s No One to Attend to the Dead How one small change to Texas’s Code of Criminal Procedure created a cascade of problems for the state’s capacity to investigate death. Caroline Tracey Ad Policy Chief Medical Examiner of Webb County, Dr. Corinne Stern’s autopsy assistant moves the body of an unidentified…

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