The Biden Administration Cuts and Runs From Haiti

World / September 1, 2023 The Biden Administration Cuts and Runs From Haiti After more than a century bleeding the country, installing and abetting corrupt dictators, and suppressing democracy, the US government now advises Americans to flee. Amy Wilentz Ad Policy Residents evacuate Port-au-Prince, Haiti, as gang violence continues to plague the city. (Richard Pierrin…

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Jet ski tourists shot dead off coast of Algeria

23 minutes ago About sharing File image of jet skier By George Wright BBC News The Algerian coastguard have reportedly shot dead two tourists holidaying in Morocco who strayed into Algerian waters on their jet skis. They were among four French-Moroccan dual nationals who had set off by jet ski from the Moroccan resort of…

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Donald Trump’s Georgia case to be livestreamed

21 minutes ago About sharing Watch: Trump surrenders last week at Georgia jail…in 74 seconds A judge has ruled that court proceedings against former US President Donald Trump and his co-defendants in their Georgia election fraud case will be televised. The trial will also be live-streamed on YouTube, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee…

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