The Patronizing Moralism of David Brooks

Society / August 16, 2023 The Patronizing Moralism of David Brooks In a series of recent essays, the New York Times columnist has pronounced all social ills the result of deficient moral fiber among individuals. Chris Lehmann Ad Policy David Brooks delivers remarks at the 2018 Hilton Humanitarian Symposium and Prize Ceremony at the Beverly…

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Israel’s Repression of Palestinians Paved the Way for Its New Antidemocratic Court

August 16, 2023 Israel’s Repression of Palestinians Paved the Way for Its New Antidemocratic Court The 56-year-long brutal occupation of the Palestinian Territories has come home to roost. Juan Cole Ad Policy In Jerusalem on February 20, 2023, Israelis protest outside the Knesset, Israel’s parliament against plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government to…

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